Kokorokon - Banner
07. bis 09.02.2025
Multiversum Schwechat


Are you a fan of anime, manga or gaming? Then KokoroKon is just right for you! For three days you can meet up with like-minded people and celebrate in a great environment with competitions, Valentine’s Ball, parties and lots of specials!
The Kokorokon will not be a normal anime, manga and gaming convention as you know it. It is also the con of love.
In keeping with Valentine’s Day, there will be lots of events where you can meet new people.
Whether you’re looking for a date or just new friendships, there’s something for everyone here.


Store You can still buy merchandise in our online store!

Get your Anime in Concert ticket now!

You can now buy Anime in Concert tickets! Get your ticket now and be there!

Be there live on 28.9.2024 in the Multiversum Schwechat

Yunicon 2024

When: 31.10-03.11.2024 in the Multiversum Schwechat

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Kokorokon 2024


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Das war dieKokorokon 2024
Wir bedanken uns für eine großartige Con!

Die Kokorokon 2024 ist Geschichte, doch nicht vergessen! Um euch erneut in Erinnerungen schwelgen zu lassen, haben wir dieses Video für euch, in dem ihr die Highlights der Con noch mal erleben könnt. Danke für euren Besuch, wir freuen uns auf nächstes Jahr!

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